Luke Ehlert ?24

Luke Ehlert

Class Year



Mount prospect, Ill.


Neuroscience and Psychology

“With the professors being so open and willing to help, I was able to be involved and conduct research as a sophomore. I wouldn’t be able to do that at most other colleges.”

Luke Ehlert, ’24

Why Carthage?

“I chose Carthage because I felt like I could really excel here. I felt I could get opportunities here that will allow me to advance in research, social life, and my studies.”

Faculty mentors

“Carthage faculty have had an insane impact on both my life and my Carthage career. With the professors being so open and willing to help, I was able to be involved and conduct research as a sophomore. I wouldn’t be able to do that at most other colleges. Their help allowed me to feel more comfortable asking questions and more willing to give help to others.

“The professors are truly passionate about their research and teaching, which in turn made me more passionate about research and learning. My relationships with my professors are the thing I love the most about Carthage. I feel I wouldn’t be able to be as close to my professors at any other college and that has made such a huge difference in helping me succeed.”

Favorite class

“My favorite classes have been Cognitive Psychology, and Psychology Research Methods and Statistics II. I really liked Cognitive Psychology because it is the discipline I want to go into for my career, and I found all the research presented to be super interesting. And I really liked Psychology Research Methods and Statistics II because I felt like I was learning something that would be very invaluable for my career and something I would be using for the rest of my life.”

Campus involvement

“At Carthage, I am the vice president of both Psi Chi and the Psychology Club. I’m also a member of Blitz Ultimate Frisbee Club, Neuroscience Club, and Rock Climbing Club. These extracurricular activities allow me to stay active, make friendships, learn more information, and make more connections that will benefit my future.”

Golden opportunities

“At Carthage, I have had the opportunity to run and conduct multiple research projects, present research, and hear presentations from other student researchers. Along with that, I was given the chance to attend research conferences, such as the Midwest Psychological Association Conference in Chicago in April 2022. There, I got to see my classmates present and also hear real researchers present their work for free. I was given the chance to see what a conference is like, what presenting is like, and an opportunity to grow my scientific thinking.”

Internships or campus employment

“I have been a psychology supplemental instructor and also a Psychology Department fellow. Both of these jobs have allowed me to make a strong foundation in early psychology information and to form a greater connection with the faculty. I think it’s important to learn more about your respected field, but in order to do that, you should have a strong base to build upon. And these jobs have given me the opportunity to build that foundation through the scope of teaching it.”

Career goal

“After Carthage, I hope to attend graduate school and earn a Ph.D. in either neuroscience or psychology. After that, I hope to conduct music cognition research.”

Favorite spot on campus

“My favorite spot on campus is the area behind The Tower and Madrigrano Residence Hall where the rocks overlook the lake”

Favorite memory

“The little moments with my friends have made the best memories, whether we are doing homework, sledding, getting cookies, or playing Mario Kart.”

Biggest surprise

“I think the biggest surprise has been realizing that the professors actually want to see their students excel in classes, in school as a whole, in life, and in their future careers. They genuinely care and will go out of their way to help you achieve what you want to achieve. They genuinely care about you. Whether it be your physical, mental, or emotional health, they are always willing to sit and listen and help you through what you are struggling with.”

Advice for other students in your major?

“Studying psychology allowed me to have a deep understanding of the sciences and how to conduct research. The curriculum gave me the knowledge and challenges to learn about what psychology actually is and how it is applied in the real world. It also gave me great respect for the sciences, showing how complicated and effortful research is.

“Studying neuroscience enabled me to understand the brain through the perspective of cells rather than behavior.”

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